Known for their feathery plumes in various colors, astilbes thrive in shade and add a delicate, airy touch to gardens.
With heart-shaped flowers hanging from arching stems, bleeding hearts bring a romantic charm to shady areas.
Tall spikes of bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white make foxgloves a striking addition to shaded gardens
Hostas are prized for their lush foliage in various shades of green, blue, and variegated patterns, complementing shady garden spaces.
Graceful arching stems with dangling, bell-shaped flowers make Solomon's Seal an elegant choice for shaded borders.
Known for their spotted leaves and clusters of blue, pink, or white flowers, lungworts add color and texture to shade gardens.
Heucheras offer colorful foliage in shades of green, purple, or bronze, and they produce small, bell-shaped flowers on slender stems.
This ornamental grass features cascading, arching foliage in shades of green, gold, or variegated patterns, adding texture and movement to shade gardens.