
10 Facts About English Setters

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Discover how English Setters trace their lineage back to ancient hunting dogs, celebrated for their refined scenting abilities.

Ancient Roots

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Admire their aristocratic appearance—long, feathery coats and distinctive feathering on the ears, legs, and tail.

Graceful Aesthetics

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Explore the breed's noble origins as beloved companions to nobles, showcasing their esteemed status.

A Noble Heritage

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Uncover their innate hunting instincts; English Setters are skilled pointers, adept at locating birds for hunters.

Born Hunters

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Witness their affectionate and gentle disposition, making them wonderful family companions and playmates.

Affectionate Nature

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Understand their need for physical activity—regular exercise and playtime keep these energetic dogs content.

Active Souls

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Appreciate their intelligence and adaptability, which make training an enjoyable journey for both dog and owner.

Intelligent Minds

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Experience their sociable nature—English Setters thrive on companionship and relish time spent with their human family.

Sociable Spirits

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Learn about their grooming demands, as their luxurious coat requires regular brushing and maintenance.

Grooming Rituals

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Celebrate their loyalty and unwavering love—English Setters forge deep bonds with their families, creating lifelong friendships.

Forever Friends

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